
Most of the metadata included in Catafolk comes from music files, such as kern files. This metadata is extracted by the File classes: there is one for every file format. Currently supported are kern and xml.

Files can be instantiated using get_file() which automatically determines the file format based on the extension.

>>> data_dir = 'tests/datasets/bronson-child-ballads/data'
>>> file = get_file(f'{data_dir}/child01.krn')
>>> file
<KernFile name=child01 format=kern>
>>> file.metadata.keys()
dict_keys(['ONM', 'PPG', 'AMT', 'YOR', 'OVM', 'PPE', 'PSR', 'PSP', 'PSD', 'ENC', 'EMD', 'EEV'])
>>> file.metadata['ONM']
'Child Ballad No. 1, Tune No. 1'

Note that metadata is collected only once and then stored internally. In the code above, we accessed file.metadata twice, but the file was only read out once. You can reset the stored metadata using File.reset().

class catafolk.file.File(filepath, encoding='utf-8')

Bases: object

The base class for music files.


An md5 checksum of the file.

>>> file = get_file('tests/datasets/bronson-child-ballads/data/child01.krn')
>>> file.checksum
format = None

The file format, e.g. 'kern' or 'xml'


A dictionary with metadata collected from the file. Which properties are are included in the metadata depends completely on the contents of the file. Properties like the path are not included in the metadata.

Metadata is collected only once, and then stored in the class. You can reset the file using reset().


Return the relative path with respect to some root directory.

>>> file = get_file('tests/datasets/bronson-child-ballads/data/child01.krn')
>>> file.path
>>> file.relpath(root='tests/datasets/bronson-child-ballads')
Parameters:root (str) – The root directory
Returns:The relative path
Return type:str

Reset the file instance: remove stored metadata and checksum. This only affects the class instance, the file itself is (as always) left untouched. This might be useful if the file has changed and you want to refresh the metadata.

class catafolk.file.KernFile(filepath, encoding='utf-8')

Bases: catafolk.file.File

A class for loading **kern** files.

When extracting metadata, the class looks for kern reference records of the form !!![key]: [value]. These are collected in a dictionary. If a key is encountered multiple times, all values are collected in a list.

format = 'kern'
class catafolk.file.XMLFile(filepath, encoding='utf-8')

Bases: catafolk.file.File

format = 'xml'
catafolk.file.get_file(filepath, format='infer', **kwargs)

File factory that returns a File instance of the right type

  • filepath (str) – Path to the file
  • format (str, optional) – File format. Currently supported are kern and xml. When format=’infer’ the format is inferred from the extension. By default ‘infer’

The File instance

Return type:
